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March 28, 2024

Eric Brennehann

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Firefighter Wellness - Beneath The Helmet Show

The Somatic Work of Yoga as a Proactive Tool for Mental Health in First Responders

In this enlightening episode of Beneath the Helmet, we delve into the transformative power of yoga for first responders, focusing on its role as a proactive mental health tool. Our special guest, Eric Brenneman, President of Yoga Shield for First Responders, shares invaluable insights into integrating tactical breathing, exercise, and tension trauma release exercises in the demanding lives of public safety professionals. Discover how yoga transcends relaxation, propelling first responders into the Flow State for peak performance and resilience against job-induced stress and trauma. Join us to explore the synergy of yoga, neuroplasticity, and biofeedback in redefining first responder wellness.

👉Grab your free Tactical Breathwork Training postcard here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF5VomM8Oo/iN55PntPbkWo4Tko-ociWw/edit?utm_content=DAF5VomM8Oo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

🎙 Episode Highlights:
00:00:00 🧘 Yoga's Journey into Fire Services: Unpacking the myths and showcasing the mental and physical benefits of yoga for first responders. From Eric's personal transformation to advocating for a culture of proactive mental health support in public safety.
00:14:48 🚑 The Role of Self-Care: Why prioritizing personal wellness is crucial for optimizing performance and injury prevention in high-stress public safety roles.
00:23:48 💪 Tailored Yoga Practices: The unique adaptation of yoga for first responders, focusing on breath work and stress response training for enhanced decision-making and mental regulation.
00:37:08 🧠 Advancements in Health and Wellness: How proactive health tools and understanding of stress biochemistry are revolutionizing first responder well-being.
00:47:50 ⚙️ Tech Meets Tradition: The impact of wearable biofeedback machines in tracking and improving first responders' physiological responses and dispelling yoga misconceptions.
00:54:22 🌬️ Breathing for Survival: Critical breathing techniques for first responders to enhance well-being and performance under stress.
01:05:43 🔥 Leadership's Role in First Responder Wellness: The importance of open-minded leadership in adopting evidence-based wellness programs.
01:16:42 🎙️ A Call to Action for Mental Health: Encouraging listeners to explore the benefits of yoga for first responders and inviting them to connect with Yoga Shield.

Connect with Eric Brenneman:
Eric Brenneman, President of Yoga Shield for First Responders.
📧 Email: eric@yogaforfirstresponders.org
🌐 Personal Website: yogaforfirstresponders.org
📱 Social Media: @yogaforfirstresponders

🎙️ Connect with Show Host:
Arjuna George – Fire Chief (ret), Owner of Silver Arrow Coaching and Consulting, Author of Burnt Around the Edges.
🌐 Websites: silverarrowco.com, burntaroundtheedges.com, beneaththehelmet.ca
📧 Email: arjuna@silverarrowco.com

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🌟 Whether you're in public safety or intrigued by the profound impact of yoga on mental and physical wellness, this episode offers a fresh perspective on proactive health practices. Don't miss out on this journey to resilience and peak performance with yoga at the forefront!

Connect with the Host:

Arjuna George – Fire Chief (ret) Owner of Silver Arrow Coaching and Consulting, Beneath the Helmet Show, and Burnt Around the Edges author.




Eric Brenneman S2Ep43Profile Photo

Eric Brenneman S2Ep43

President - Yoga For First Responders

Eric is the President of Yoga For First Responders. He is a former Lieutenant with the West Des Moines Fire Department. Prior to the promotion, Eric spent many years in leadership positions with IAFF L-3586 and the Iowa Association of Professional Fire Fighters. Eric served in the fire service for 13 years. Eric has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Iowa and a Master’s of Public Administration from the University of North Dakota. Eric now travels across the United States providing in person lectures and training to first responders.